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What’s that smell? The utils module

You’ve started a new project and you’re feeling excited. The code is well-factored, it does the minimum viable thing. You’ve shipped 0.1. Maybe you’ve even released a few different features to production. Inevitably, a feature request comes in that requires some work that’s unrelated to your core product. Maybe it’s a one-off integration with a third party service or a function that you’ll call in a number of places that are unrelated. You stare at your...

What I Use

If you are pained by any external thing, it is not this thing that disturbs you, but your own judgment about it. And it is in your power to wipe out this judgment now. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations No blog would be replete without an occasional check-in for the working environment. In the last few months, I've painstakingly re-worked my daily computering setup with an eye towards addressing adult-diagnosed ADHD. It seems to have helped, as...

Move Fast and Brake Things

Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. -Mark Zuckerberg In 2009, when we first heard "Move fast and break things," I can understand how that sounded innovative. At the time, AWS was only a few years old, many of the technologies that we would consider "modern" didn't even exist. Most companies were still experimenting with Agile Software Development™. Netflix was still sending DVDs in the mail! "Move fast and break things"...

The story of rockstar

I have to think of something really cool. -Paul, 1998 I stared at my new Red Hat 5.1 installation. After more than two hours learning about partition mounts and boot loaders, I had successfully installed linux on a computer I had pulled from a dumpster. It was time to pick a username. I looked around my room, and saw my Fender Stratocaster (made in Mexico) sitting against my practice amp in the corner of the room....